Thailand: Refugee Camp Relief

On April 7, 2015 there was a fire in a refugee camp along the Burma and Thailand border. The fire left over 1,500 people homeless as it destroyed at least 250 homes.

The moment our Empower Thailand Team learned of this tragedy, they gathered supplies, water, food, shelter materials, cooking utensils and tools to rebuild.

On their 7-hour journey to the devastated community, they received word that they would not be allowed access into the camp. At that moment, they joined in prayer and trusted God to open a door and make a way for them to get in when they arrived.

Upon arrival at the entrance of the camp, they were told again that they would not be allowed in. Our relief team leader, John McAdams shares how he was not discouraged as he boldly took the initiative to find another way in.

As they arrived at one of the collection points, he asked the officials if they could have access into the camp. One of the officials responded, “Absolutely! We’re glad to have your help!” John explained later, “It seemed too easy!” “Thank you God for your favor!” This was a great reminder of the authority that we walk in as His children when we are on the front-lines of Jesus’ mission to reach people for Him.

The next morning our team loaded the trucks with great enthusiasm and excitement! After driving for half an hour, they reached the remains of the homes on the hillside that were destroyed and left in pieces. They saw children playing in the ashes and ruins of what was once their home. They passed through the burn area and parked at the UN facility where they unloaded all of the supplies that God provided for the people.

The Empower Thailand Team was able to personally distribute water, food and supplies and a message of HOPE to the people in greatest need. John shares how humble and grateful the people were for the love and help that our team so graciously shared with them.

The drive home was quiet as they all reflected on how abundantly God had provided for them as they stepped out to help those in need. The experience was one to remember for a lifetime!

Some things that really stood out to John as he reflected on his experience at this refugee camp are; the authority that we walk in as God’s children, to be grateful for what we have, and to always help those in need.

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